Mon 27 Jan
Super sexy n petite I'm all u need 100% positive u will be pleased - 24
(Norfolk, 7 cities :: outcall only::)
{{ S . e . X . y . }} {{ U n F o R g E t T a B l E }} {{ B o M b S h E l L }} - 21
💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 SEXY BL0NDE ㄴㅇV € DOㄴㄴ💕💕💕💕 Specializing IN YOUR SATISFACTION - Petite - 37
(Norfolk, ▌757-218-2781✈NOT 1 BAD REVIEW VERIFIED▌)
Sexxy, Slimm Goodie ** C@Li Bl@ck B@rBie ** OutCalls Now!! *^*Military Specials*^* - 24
(Norfolk, Outcalls (All Cities))
**--SeXy* *PeTiTe* BrUnEttE* *BoMbShElL* *wAiTiNg* *To* *Bl*w* *YoUr* *MiNd--** well reviewed! - 20
(Norfolk, out&incalls; norfolk & Virginia beach)
Petite 🍃🌺 ▓▒ ░ * 🌸.•* SeXy SWeet *•.🌸 * ░ ▒▓ CuRvy 🐾🌸 BL0NDE ▓▒ ░ * 🌸.•* Hott Fun *•.🌸* ░ ▒▓ - 37
(Norfolk, ▌KISSABLE LIPS💦 ✈15mins from AIRPORT ▌)
❣️OUTcall❣️Highly Reviewed💥 Fit Knockout💋Jessica London💋💋 - 25
(Chesapeake, Norfolk, Suffolk, Virginia Beach)
[[* S M O K I N- H O T-B O D Y S*]] _ [[* R E A D Y- T O- P L A Y *]] - 21
(Entire Hampton Roads Area)
▒█▒ [ [ [ PRETTY!!! ___ ((( PETITE BLONDE )))__ SOFT AND SEXY ] ] ]* *▒█▒ - 32
(Norfolk, --█---incall/outcall--█---)
°°°N.E.W°° GoRgEoUSs PeTiTe Eb0Ny °°°Xxtra KiNky and $eDuCtIvE °°° ReAdY For ACTION! - 18
(7 cities.)
👅💦Mouth wATeRing 👉jAZZy🎤🍑 JeSSica👈 *** ✋Stop&Play;😉😊💞 E❌😍tic✔️ Upscale✔️🏪New Number - 21
(Norfolk, Oceanfront,)
(Virginia Beach, V-BEACH INCALLS 24/7)
(((( *NEW* ))))) Ebony SEDUCTRESS ~~~ Petite BARBIE ~~~ KINKY w/ CURVES....Nice A S S(*SPECIALS*) - 69
(~~~Norfolk~~~(((Incall ONLY))))
Gorgeous sexy Petite blonde* Come see why they all come back!! - 31
(Norfolk, Chesapeake right off interstate)
I do it all .... 1 girl or 2 ...all roads open .... squi1rter HOT WEATHER SPECIAL! - 21
(incall outcall 757)
💋BADDEST bissh is🆙❗💖💎A man's bestfriend💎💖 ★💋 uℓtiℳαtε ρℓαγmαtε 💕 🌟╚» SEXY petite 👀🍬❗⬅ 💋BIG BOOTY••🌟 - 22
(Norfolk, 150/200🌟 INs/OUTs••●100Qv)
Stop looking you found her! Come warm me up!😘 Intelligent,💏Sexy, Petite,😈Vixen💯 - 29
(Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Virginia Beach, Norfolk)
Hosting ➼ Churchland (Chesapk) ➼26 × white × petite. - 26
(Norfolk, Western Branch Blvd in Chesapeake)
CaMeRoN AnD NeW GiRL SaGe! THICK SEXY N SWEET!! 910-515-6910 - 25
(Independence Blvd /Shore Dr/ Northampton, Virginia Beach)
{♥} Y.O.U.R #❶ :*: L.I.T.T.L.E :*: S.E.C.R.E.T {♥} *: (MILITARY DISCOUNTS!) - 21
(Norfolk, Entire Hampton Roads Area)
W.A.R.N.I.N.G eXtReMelY HOT !! y-u-m-m-y {{blonde}} VIXen BaCk N ToWn CLICK hERE ! 80 $PECi@L$ - 24
(Norfolk, Military hwy)
💠💠💠__________ FOXY PETITE BLONDE____________ 💠💠💠 - 35
(______💛incall/outcall_____, Chesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Virginia Beach)
☎️→🍭 Gorgeous [5🌟] 💦F R E A K 💦 100% REAL🌴BLONDE I AiM to Pl∈AS∈!_ »-❤-» & i LUV to Be NAUGHTY!★ - 21
(Norfolk, airport area)
👄👅Cuum chill with this beauty 100% my pictures! ⚠️Caution slippery when weettt...❤️phat 😸kitty🔥🔥 - 22
*** ENTICING, Sexy & PETITE Exotic EBONY *** (Visiting the area) NON-Rush, HOLIDAY Specials also! - 20
(I'm only doing Incalls!)
Dont Miss Out On Very Sexy And Very Petite Japanese/White Mix 100% Real Pics Of Me!!! - 18
(Hampton Roads)
°°°FiRe HoTt°° GoRgEoUSs PeTiTe Eb0Ny °°°100$ Special ALL MORNING! ° NiCE JiGglY BooTty! - 19
(Ask Me.)
*(¯` '.¸_ exOtiC ViEtNaMeSAe ViXen . hOt LikE JaLaPenO'S _ TrOpiCaL BaRbiE AsiAn hOtTiE_ ¸.' ´¯) - 21
(ocean front VA beach)
FilThY ItaliaN/JapaneSE FreaK LetS YoU HavE iT YouR WaY (65specials) - 18
*(¯` '.¸_ exOtiC ViEtNaMeSAe ViXen . SkiNnY MiNi ... SweEt TrOpiCaL twist . AsiAn hOtTiE_ ¸.' ´¯) - 21
*EROTIC* *Gorgeous ©! SEDUCTIVE ©! *Provocative* ©! PETITE ©! Ebony ©! *VIXEN* - 19
ENTICING, Sexy & PETITE Exotic EBONY *** (Visiting the area) NON-Rush, Specials also! - 20
(*Eb0nY Sp!NnEr*) ::::SuPeR Ex0TiC SluT {NyMph}... (PeTiTe w/ a 26 inch A$$)..KiNKy ..FRisKY!
(7 Cities)
Sun 26 Jan
Mon 13 Jan
*TINY* Sexy PETITE Chocolate Bunny!!!! I CAN HANDLE YOU!! Military specials!! All Real Pics!! - 19
(Norfolk, norfolk marriott)
*.*?. Gorgeous Petite Barbie *.*?. Exotic Ebony w/Curves *.*?. Great Rates ....Fetish Friendly *.*? - 69
Sun 12 Jan
((((((((((( YOUNG )))))))))))))) ------- ExOtIC ------------ ((((((((((( PETITE )))))))))))) EBONY - 19
(Norfolk InCall/OutCall)
Hosting ➼ Churchland (Chesapk) ➼26 × white × petite. - 26
(Norfolk, Western Branch Blvd in Chesapeake)
Stop looking you found her! Come warm me up!😘 Intelligent,💏Sexy, Petite,😈Vixen💯 - 29
(Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Virginia Beach, Norfolk)
✅✅ VERIFIED TO SATISFY ✅✅:: (( PETITE )) :: §єXy :: (( BLONDE ))::✅✅_________ - 35
(Chesapeake, Hampton, incall/outcall, Norfolk, Suffolk, Virginia Beach)
VISITING {BOOK NOW!} Adult Movie Star Melrose Foxx * Hot * So Sexy * Exotic Petite- Ebony REAL PICS - 26
*Visting* ______ *.?.* Petite Exotic Ebony Playmate *.?.* ______ *Visting* Great Specials - 19
(x-x) YoUnG and SeXy -- BRITTANY -- Petite BRUNETTE (x-x) - 21
(Chesapeake, Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Outcall and Incall)
{♥} Y.O.U.R #❶ :*: L.I.T.T.L.E :*: S.E.C.R.E.T {♥} *: (MILITARY DISCOUNTS!) - 21
(Norfolk, Entire Hampton Roads Area)
💞 _____ 💞______ Very IRRESISTIBLE Petite BLONDE !!!_______ 💞 ______💞 - 35
(______💛incall/outcall_____, Chesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Virginia Beach)
W.A.R.N.I.N.G eXtReMelY HOT !! y-u-m-m-y {{blonde}} VIXen BaCk N ToWn CLICK hERE ! 80 $PECi@L$ - 24
(Norfolk, Military hwy)
#1 FrEaK ***** "26" A$$ss ***** Petite Eb0Ny: (aquafina FLOW). I LUV 2 RIDE! (xtra moist) ®NyMpH0®
(7 Cities)
____ ___ $ _ 1 _ 2 _ O _____ ___ N _ O ___ R _ U _ S _ H ___ ___ ½ __ H _O_U_ R ___ ! - 19
(Hamton Roads)